Congrats to all new CTRs!

Registry Partners would like to take a moment to congratulate everyone who passed the latest exam and are now CTRs!  We know that the hours of study and preparation were grueling at times, but we hope that your new certification sets you on an exciting and rewarding new path!  Congratulations!

RECAP: NCAHQ Conference

Last week, the Registry Partners Quality Division attended the NCAHQ conference in Durham, NC.  In addition to being an exhibitor, we sponsored a stuffed animal drive for the local emergency responders.  On Friday, the Fire Chief from Durham stopped by to receive the 4- 60 gallon bags full of stuffed animals collected over the two day conference.  The animals will be used by emergency responders to…

Posted in News & Events

Alert from Registry Partners Security Officer- PC users should uninstall Apple QuickTime

The Registry Partners Security Officer recommends that all Windows users to uninstall Apple QuickTime, if you have not done so already. The Department of Homeland Security has posted an advisement for PC users to remove this software due to vulnerabilities and the fact Apple is no longer issuing support for the PC platform of the software (Mac users still get updates). The Homeland Security bulletin is here:…

Posted in Security

National Cancer Registrars Week 2016

            Registry Partners would like to take this opportunity to recognize all of our dedicated Cancer Registry client partners as we celebrate National Cancer Registrars Week April 11-15, 2016. Although this is a special week, we want you to know that every day we celebrate your unwavering commitment to branch out your knowledge and resources to see the forest through the…