Oncology Coding Break – Active Surveillance

The March 2024 Registry Partners Oncology Coding Break is here to discuss Active Surveillance. We’ll explain what it is and how it works. Active Surveillance is a way of managing treatment that’s widely accepted. Essentially, if a patient and their doctor agree on Active Surveillance, it means they won’t undergo any other treatments initially. Instead, they’ll be closely monitored with regular scans, lab tests, and possibly…

Posted on Mar. 25, 2024 in Oncology Coding Break

Oncology Coding Break – Grade Coding Updates

The February 2024 Registry Partners Oncology Coding Break presents the topic of grade coding updates. The grade manual coding instructions are reviewed beginning with autopsy grading that has been added to the manual. The findings from the autopsy direct the ODS-C to the correct grade time frame (clinical, post-therapy clinical, pathological, and post therapy pathological) and we cannot assume autopsy grade should be assigned to pathological…

Posted on Feb. 26, 2024 in Oncology Coding Break

Oncology Coding Break – Coding Errors & Misinterpretations

Have you committed yourself to quality in 2024? If not, it’s never too late! As registrars, we are an integral piece of the puzzle when it comes to advancements in patient care,  better outcomes, and increased survival. Committing yourself to quality is crucial, and this 2-hour presentation is a great place to start. We hit on many of the nuances and complexities that we face when…

Posted on Jan. 22, 2024 in Oncology Coding Break

CTR Coding Break – Ambiguous Terminology & Cytology Nuances

The December 2023 CTR coding break topic is “Ambiguous Terminology and Cytology Nuances” The varying use of ambiguous terminology in a medical record can be a challenge while determining a diagnosis.  The SEER and STORE manuals provide detailed guidelines of the best way to navigate these situations. The objectives for this presentation are: to learn how to use ambiguous terms and where to find them; an…

Posted on Dec. 26, 2023 in Oncology Coding Break