NCRA Session Summary- AJCC TNM Staging of Melanoma and CAP Templates for Molecular Testing

AJCC TNM Staging of Melanoma and CAP Templates for Molecular Testing Alexander Lazar, MD Next generation staging will include molecular testing, but currently national laboratires have different ranges for tests Cancer genomes in melanoma are highly mutated due to sunlight BrafV600e mutation found in patients with melanoma Gene testing in the future will help determine response to treatments

NCRA Session Summary- Commission on Cancer (CoC) Update- The Past, Present and Future

Commission on Cancer (CoC) Update- The Past, Present and Future Daniel. McKellar, MD, FACS   Approximately 1500 CoC accredited programs currently Commission on Cancer was created in 1922 and performed their first accreditation in 1933 The intent of a CoC survey is to be educational. The surveyor acts more like a consultant to the cancer program. Considering adding standards that monitor accuracy and completeness of follow-up…

Appropriate Antibiotic Administration VS. Antibiotic Administration

When abstracting this element, there are two parts – 1) did the patient have IV antibiotics administered? (Was a broad spectrum or other antibiotic administered intravenously in the time window 24 hours prior to or 3 hours following the presentation of severe sepsis?) AND 2) were the appropriate antibiotics administered? (Was the intravenous (IV) antibiotic administered within 3 hours after the date and time of presentation…