What does my Cancer Registrar do all day?

You might be a manager, administrator, or physician but most likely, at some point, you have wondered “what do the cancer registrars do all day”. It is difficult to support and supervise someone who has a job as unique and technical as a Certified Cancer Registrar. Their work is detailed and follows numerous guidelines that are “Greek” to others. Registry Partners Incorporated’s Consultants are often asked…

Consultant Spotlight: Linda Reimers, BS, RHIA, CTR

Linda Reimers

Registry Partners of Burlington, NC has announced the promotion of Linda Reimers, BS, RHIA, CTR, to the position of Corporate Director of Business Development for the Oncology Services Division. Linda is tasked with overseeing the daily operations of the Business Development Team and supporting the acquisition and maintenance of Oncology clients. Linda will be defining and managing the Oncology based sales and marketing programs and will…

Posted in Spotlight

From Our Perspective: Musings from a Registry Partners Consultant

Welcome to a glimpse into our Consultants’ lives. As we thought about the inaugural article for our blog, we tried to find that one strength that makes Registry Partners Incorporated special, and it didn’t take long for us to find the answer. Registry Partners has an amazing staff of CTRs who have incredible insight into the world of cancer registries and cancer programs. Like all CTRs,…

Ask the recruiter Q&A: RPI Skills Assessment

Sometimes we don’t know what questions to ask when applying for a new job especially if it is a remote position when we are used to working in an office or a hospital. Stacey, the talented Registry Partners Incorporated Corporate recruiter, would like to take a few moments to share some questions she often receives from her recruits.   Q: What is the RPI Skills assessment…

Posted in Career Insights