Ask the recruiter Q&A: RPI Skills Assessment


Marketing Manager

Sometimes we don’t know what questions to ask when applying for a new job especially if it is a remote position when we are used to working in an office or a hospital. Stacey, the talented Registry Partners Incorporated Corporate recruiter, would like to take a few moments to share some questions she often receives from her recruits.


Q: What is the RPI Skills assessment exam?

A: The assessment is multiple choice questions broken down into 3 parts: case finding/eligibility, Abstracting/Clinical, and the Accredited Cancer Program Standards. We use the assessment to test your skills to find the best candidates for our company.


Q: Is the assessment timed?

A: No our assessment is not timed, but we do ask that you complete the assessment within one sitting versus breaking up the time.


Q: Can you use your reference manuals for the assessment?

A: Yes, you can use your reference manuals for the assessment. We provide a list of required manuals for the assessment in the Company Overview.


Q: What happens if I do not pass the assessment?

 A: It’s ok if you do not pass our assessment the first go around. We understand that not everyone is a good test taker. If you do not pass the assessment the first time, we summarize the areas that you miss and allow you to retake the assessment after 30 days have passed from your original assessment date.