What does my Cancer Registrar do all day?

You might be a manager, administrator, or physician but most likely, at some point, you have wondered “what do the cancer registrars do all day”. It is difficult to support and supervise someone who has a job as unique and technical as a Certified Cancer Registrar. Their work is detailed and follows numerous guidelines that are “Greek” to others. Registry Partners Incorporated’s Consultants are often asked…

Posted on Nov. 12, 2014 in From Our Perspective

From Our Perspective: Musings from a Registry Partners Consultant

Welcome to a glimpse into our Consultants’ lives. As we thought about the inaugural article for our blog, we tried to find that one strength that makes Registry Partners Incorporated special, and it didn’t take long for us to find the answer. Registry Partners has an amazing staff of CTRs who have incredible insight into the world of cancer registries and cancer programs. Like all CTRs,…

Posted on Nov. 4, 2014 in From Our Perspective

Creating the Annual Audit Report for the Breast Leadership Committee (NAPBC)

Standard 1.1 for the NAPBC Accreditation requires the Breast Program Leadership (BPL) Committee to review and analyze data for the breast conservation rate, sentinel lymph node biopsy rate, needle biopsy rate and breast cancer staging. What our Consultants find is that the fact that the NAPBC surveyors review class of case 10-14 cases only is confusing to almost everyone.   That does not indicate the Breast Program…

Posted on Oct. 27, 2014 in From Our Perspective

Effective Cancer Liaison Physicians

How do you find a Cancer Liaison Physician (CLP) who will be effective? Or in many cases, how can I help an existing CLP be more effective?   A CLP is always a busy individual who is carving out just enough time to meet their responsibilities. Our Registry Partners Consultants find it very helpful to sit at a computer with the CLP to show them examples of…

Posted on Oct. 24, 2014 in From Our Perspective