Happy National Cancer Registrars Week from Registry Partners – Part II

As the nation acknowledges “National Cancer Registrars Week”, Certified Tumor Registrars (CTRs) are celebrated for their profession’s role in the goal of preventing cancer and finding a cure.  So, what exactly is this role? you may ask, and how is a CTR qualified? What role does a CTR play in the goal of finding a cure for cancer? The cancer data a CTR collects, is used…

Posted on Apr. 10, 2019 in From Our Perspective

Happy National Cancer Registrars Week from Registry Partners – Part I

This year’s theme for National Cancer Registrars Week is “Cancer Registrars: Capturing the Picture of Cancer” which reflects the critical role Certified Tumor Registrars (CTRs) play in the goal of preventing cancer and finding a cure. As NCRA notes, we are the first link in collecting the data required for an accurate picture of a complete history, diagnosis, treatment, and health status for every cancer patient…

Posted on Apr. 8, 2019 in From Our Perspective

Milestone Monday – Mary Kane – 5 Year Anniversary

Mary Kane, RT(T), Clinical Data Abstractor for Registry Partners, celebrated her 5-Year Anniversary on March 21, 2019.   When asked what this milestone means to Mary, she said “The time I have spent with Registry Partners has flown by! It is a great company with some great folks.” Mary believes her longevity with Registry Partners is the direct result of challenging and rewarding work. She also…

Posted on Apr. 8, 2019 in News & Events

Registry Partners “Commit to be Fit” Program – Quarterly Update

In January,  Registry Partners launched its first ever “Commit to be Fit” program. The purpose of the program was to encourage more physical activity since our careers require so many hours sitting at the computer. Commit to be Fit offers movement challenges and a weight loss challenge that team members can participate in. The movement challenges award prizes for participation each month and the weight loss…

Posted on Apr. 5, 2019 in News & Events