This year’s theme for National Cancer Registrars Week is “Cancer Registrars: Capturing the Picture of Cancer” which reflects the critical role Certified Tumor Registrars (CTRs) play in the goal of preventing cancer and finding a cure. As NCRA notes, we are the first link in collecting the data required for an accurate picture of a complete history, diagnosis, treatment, and health status for every cancer patient in the U.S.
As CTRs, we take tremendous pride in our profession. We understand the importance of collecting and analyzing cancer data accurately, and the impact our data collection has on cancer care. We also wear many hats and handle tasks that our job title may not even reflect. Have you considered some of the “unofficial” titles we hold?
- Communications expert
- Information technology troubleshooter
- Quality coordinator
- Statistician
- Compliance coordinator
- Report writer
- Mentor
- Educator
I bet you can think of many more!
As Last year’s industry changes continue to evolve in 2019, the bar for the cancer registry profession continues to rise, with an even more-robust cancer data collection system. As our profession continues to develop, so do our own skills and abilities (see list above!).
Though quite challenging, we continue to face each wave of industry changes with enthusiasm and grace. And though we may get caught up in our day-to-day tasks, we need to take a moment to acknowledge our own personal “snapshot” and celebrate the critical role we each play in the patient care patients receive, and in the future of cancer care!
Registry Partners would like to extend a genuine thank you our dynamic team of CTRs and to cancer registrars across the nation during National Cancer Registrars Week. Thank you for all that you do in the fight against cancer. Your passion, dedication, and commitment to this profession contribute to improved patient care and treatments which in turn impact the lives of patients all over the country. Kudos to all of you!