Primary Payer at Diagnosis

With Insurance Coverage plans dominating the news cycles, it seems like a good time to brush up from a CTR point of view. (Honestly, I can’t remember when I last looked over this part of FORDS). Possibly I felt more comfortable than some when faced with coding the Primary Payer at Diagnosis: I come from a long line of insurance people- an insurance agent, an insurance…

Posted on Jun. 19, 2017 in From Our Perspective

How Should I Code This?- Class of Case 22 vs 30

FROM THE CANSWER FORUM: Examples of class of case 22 vs 30: Example 1:  The patient was diagnosed with liver metastases seen on CT at Facility A and underwent colonoscopy and biopsy of colonic tumor. The histology was low grade adenocarcinoma of colonic primary. Additional work up at Facility B revealed mesenteric lymphadenopathy and diffuse hepatic metastases. The patient was consulted at Facility B for further…

Posted on Jun. 15, 2017 in How Should I Code This?