Stroke Education to Provide at Discharge

Stroke patients need specific discharge instructions to ensure they receive continuous medical care after leaving the hospital. This can help to reduce complications, readmissions, and improve outcomes. Per the AHA Get With The Guidelines Stroke guidelines, the education provided should be provided in writing to the patient and/or caregiver and should address the following five topics: Risk Factors, How to Activate EMS, Their Prescribed Medications, Warning…

Stroke Insights – Determining the Date/Time of Last Known Well (LKW)

Welcome to the Winter 2024 Edition of Stroke Insights and our very first video of this new quarterly series! Our video presentation titled: Stroke Insights – Determining the Date/Time of Last Known Well (LKW) This presentation begins with a review of the data element “Date and Time Patient Last Known Well”, and then continues to explore the difference between Get With The Guidelines (GWTG) ® Last…

Posted in Stroke Insights