Registry Spotlight: ACC Chest Pain Center Accreditation


Marketing Manager

The past year and COVID-19 pandemic have had a major financial impact on many hospitals across the country. Healthcare facilities are focusing on rebounding from this hardship in 2021 by reallocating resources and streamlining patient care. Some are also focusing on marketing to increase volumes. Part of that marketing includes public reporting of care outcomes data. In today’s age of available consumer knowledge and choice, it is imperative for hospitals to partake in quality initiatives that improve outcomes for public reporting. The effect of this strategy is often two-fold, leading to a competitive edge in the market, which leads to increased volumes and revenue. One avenue hospitals can use to gain a competitive edge over their neighboring healthcare systems is accreditation. As the American College of Cardiology (ACC) describes, accreditation displays a facility’s commitment to higher standards and dedication to providing exceptional care (you can find more benefits of ACC’s accreditation services here:

One accreditation that has become increasingly popular among hospitals that provide care for patients suffering myocardial infarction and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is ACC’s Chest Pain Center Accreditation. Chest Pain Center v7 Accreditation is a quality improvement program designed for hospital cardiovascular teams that are focused on the efficient and effective care of ACS patients. Chest Pain Center Accreditation drives these multidisciplinary teams to establish consistent, high-quality processes across the continuum of care, furnishing them with a roadmap for progress and highly valued, sustainable performance ( The ACC has compiled 10 reasons to participate in the Chest Pain Center Accreditation, which we have shared below. To learn more about ACC Chest Pain Center Accreditation visit .

10 Reasons to Partner with ACC for Chest Pain Center Accreditation:

  1. One-on-one navigation and consultation throughout the accreditation journey.
  2. Ongoing educational opportunities and resources for CV team coordinator, including informative webinars, Ask-the-Experts sessions, and on-demand accreditation workshop modules.
  3. National recognition in the annual US News & World Report Best Hospitals edition.
  4. Access to the suite of ACC resources, quality campaigns, clinical toolkits, and other educational offerings.
  5. Access to the suite of ACC resources, quality campaigns, clinical toolkits, and other educational offerings.
  6. Elevated cardiac patient care processes across the care continuum through the use of strategic requirements, reflecting current guidelines and published literature.
  7. Defined patient pathways for all possible and known ACS populations.
  8. Community outreach and educational programs to promote cardiac health and ACS awareness among the general public and local providers.
  9. Complimentary registration to the annual ACC Quality Summit.
  10. 10. Roadmap to help multidisciplinary teams reach goals, reduce inefficiencies, and implement sustainable process improvement.

The ACC provides the opportunity to become accredited in many facets of cardiac care. You can find a full listing of all of their available accreditations and more information on how to become accredited on their website, Our experienced cardiac staff at Registry Partners is dedicated to joining you on your facility’s journey to ACC accreditation. For more information on our ACC accreditation services, please contact us at, or visit our website  

