What are your 2015 Program Goals?


Marketing Manager

New Years Eve is an opportunity to reflect on the past year and apply all that has occurred for the new year. Our consultants enjoy sharing our favorite movies, books, new opportunities, recipes, accomplishments, and embarrassing moments amongst family and friends. Our answers bring laughter and learning and even soul-searching but it’s always a great opportunity to appreciate the year and all it had to offer.

The structure of the CoC accredited standards provides the framework for cancer committees to also reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the past year. Setting goals and quality improvement studies for 2015 is an opportunity to continue to expand and improve the quality of care being provided at your facility. We participate in many of our client’s strategic planning meetings during the month of January. They are designed for everyone to offer a complaint or concern that can be addressed throughout the year. Without the CoC standards, the complaint or concern can remain just that. Our cancer committee and subcommittee meetings provides a forum for taking a complaint and addressing it through a goal or study. Clients have asked us for ideas on goals and studies. Our first reaction is to remind them that they know the heart and soul of their program. Have they listened to their patients, their colleagues, or themselves to recognize an area for improvement?

Let’s make 2015 a year of expansion in quality and services for our patients with a cancer diagnosis.  Happy New Year from your friends at Registry Partners Incorporated!