Remote Meeting Etiquette


Marketing Manager

As funny as this YouTube is to view, it happens all too often! Here are our tips for a successful remote meeting.

  • Research online meeting applications and determine the best system for the location, uses, and number of participants
  • Participants test log in or call in process prior to the meeting
  • Log in several minutes prior to start time
  • Web cam users: position your computer so the participants see you rather than the desktop, background, etc.
  • Shut the blinds if there is a glare
  • Remove distracting noises from the room. No dogs or family allowed!
  • Moderators pause for responses and questions
  • Moderators summarize agenda topics to ensure agreement and understanding. If there is no eye contact and visual cues, confirmation must be obtained with verbal responses
  • Use applications feature to indicate questions or comments in order to limit talking over each other

Read 10 Smart Tips for Running a Productive Teleconference to learn how you can improve your team meetings.