Milestone Monday – Mandi Kraushaar, RHIA, CTR – 5 Year Anniversary


Marketing Manager

Mandi Kraushaar, RHIA, CTR, Vice President of Registry Operations for Registry Partners, celebrated her 5-Year Anniversary on June 4, 2019.  

When asked what this milestone means, Mandi said “I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work at Registry Partners over the last five years. I have learned more than I ever could have imagined and have grown tremendously in my time working here.”

Mandi further expressed that it “feels like home” working for Registry Partners. She stated “I have amazing coworkers who support me both professionally and personally and I have also had the opportunity to develop new skills and expand my knowledge”.

Mandi hopes others will consider working with Registry Partners because of the “flexibility and growth opportunities that are rare to find in other workplaces”. Mandi further added “this is a great place to work independently, and from home, but still have constant support and guidance”.

Prior to joining Registry Partners, Mandiworked for a medium-sized hospital registry and felt “stuck” in her career.  She took a leap of faith and accepted a position with Registry Partners and she hasn’t looked back since. She stated “this company has given me everything I had hoped it would when I applied 5 years ago – support, growth, and a work-life balance. I am beyond blessed to be a part of this company”!

Congratulations Mandi on reaching your 5 year anniversary!  Thank you for all that you do … we appreciate you!