Inspiration for Certified Tumor Registrars (CTRs)


Marketing Manager

Submitted by: Donna Huff, CTR – This as an inspirational message that I wrote for a colleague who retired in the Fall of 2018.  

This message takes a walk down “memory lane” for Certified Tumor Registrars and hopefully will inspire and motivate those new to the profession and also help those retiring from the profession recognize the contributions they have made!  

1988 – Began using the DAM: Data Acquisition Manual

1993 – Began using the ROADS: Registry Operations and Data Standards Manual

2003 – Began using the FORDS: Facility Oncology Registry Data Standards Manual

2018 – Began using the STORE: Standard for Oncology Registry Entry Manual

Take to the DAM ROADS!

This is about adventure and communication.  Go places…literally and figuratively! For my retiring colleague, it was about doing items on her bucket list.  For the cancer registry profession, I encourage you to go to your state meetings. Attend NCRA. Participate in work group activities, such as our recent coffee break meetings.  This is where we learn, share ideas, communicate, and find that we can become bigger than ourselves!

Cross those FORDS!

A ford is a shallow place in a river or stream allowing one to walk or drive across.  In the cancer registry profession, this is about looking for opportunity. Find an opening and go!  Take advantage of educational opportunities. Find your niche, your passion. Set goals and move out of your comfort zone.  I have a journal entitled “Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You”. This is my one thing today – sharing my writing.

Amazing things are in STORE for you!

There are so many great opportunities available in the cancer registry profession.  It has allowed me to travel to places I might not have otherwise traveled. I have met so many wonderful intelligent and caring people along the way.  Our data collection plays such an important part in cancer research, and we get to go on a journey with the patients as we document their stories.    

So, go places, look for opportunity, and take chances.  Be flexible and persevere. Amazing things are in store for you…for all of us in the Cancer Registry field.