CTR Coding Break – SSDI Version 2.0 Clarifications & Updates


Marketing Manager

The February 2021 Registry Partners CTR Coding Break discusses clarifications and updates with the new SSDI version 2.0. The timing for recording lab tests is now listed as the first criteria within the general instructions. All lab values must be done no earlier than approximately three months before diagnosis and two prostate PSA lab value examples are provided. The new note 3 for the circumferential radial margin (CRM) is reviewed emphasizing surgery of the primary site must be coded within the 30-80 surgical range for colon primaries and 27, 30-80 range for rectal primaries in relation to the CRM. In addition, the code table changes for the Lung SSDI visceral and parietal pleural invasion are noted with the codes 1, 2, and 3 being removed from the coding table. PL 1 and PL 2 are now both included in code 4 and PL 3 is now included in code 5. Finally, the new section on the priority for consult reports is addressed with an example.

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