CTR Coding Break – Lung: Common Coding Errors


Marketing Manager

The March 2021 Registry Partners CTR Coding Break focuses on common coding errors in Lung abstracting. First, we look at common coding errors when terminology is used, on imaging or by a physician, that might not appear in the ICD-O-3. Another common area that gives abstractors trouble, is terminology around coding bronchial tumors. We will review bronchus terminology and applicable site codes. Then, we move on to common coding errors in AJCC staging. What about when tumor extension does not meet the standard description? We got you covered!  We will look at Table 36.12 in the AJCC Lung Chapter, and when using this table applies. Next, we look at the difference between intrapulmonary metastasis and synchronous primary tumors, and when the (m) suffix is appropriate. Finally, we will look at an example of how to code and assign staging for synchronous primary tumors, abstracted as a single primary.

Click here if you would like to download this month’s video as a PDF.

Also, don’t forget to keep an eye out on our social media channels and Events page for our next upcoming LIVE CTR Coding Break in May!