CTR Coding Break – CAnswer Forum: Submitting A Question


Marketing Manager

In this month’s LIVE CTR Coding Break, we will discuss how to access the CAnswer Forum and its uses. There are instructions on the site that can be followed, however; we will be simplifying the processes of navigation in easy-to-follow instructions. We will then discuss searching for your topic & the use of the “search field” to review all relevant topics within this forum. We will briefly discuss how to “see more” of the post and view the whole string of communication on your specific question. We will also discuss what to do if unable to find questions/topics by trying other phrases. Next, we will review the steps to identify current posts/topics and find out whether someone has already asked your question. Then we can either ask a new question if it has not already been addressed or add to a current topic question/forum post. Finally, we will discuss the steps required to submit a Question and how to refer back to Your posts and/or Other Members’ posts for reference.

If you would like to download this month’s presentation as a PDF, click here.