Recap of the Colorado, New Mexico, Utah & Wyoming Multi-State Regional Conference


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Recap of the Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming

Multi-State Regional Conference

September 14th & 15th, 2017

The primary focus of this year’s multi-state regional meeting was centered around the upcoming 2018 changes in the cancer registry field.  

Steven Peace, CTR from the Florida Cancer Data System, traveled to Colorado to share information on ICD-O-3, MPH, TNM and other 2018 Updates, how to use the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 8th Edition, new site-specific fields required for staging and recent developments in cancer diagnosis and treatment.  

Mr. Peace reminded the audience to thoroughly read Chapter 1 of the AJCC 8th Edition Staging Manual which encompasses General Staging Rules, and always refer back to it. He also reminded attendees that Chapter Specific Rules take priority over General Rules. Additionally, he pointed out there are new anatomic drawings available in the 8th Edition to use as resources.

Mr. Peace also reminded registrars to be cautious using software drop down menus because the drop down menus do not include the rules outlined in the manuals and built-in 

software edits cannot identify all circumstances where rules apply.   

There are many changes coming to the registry community in the year ahead: changes to site-specific data items, new treatment data items, new staging data Items, solid tumor rules and solid tumor database, ICD-O-3 code & behavior updates (updates to the reportable cancers list), SEER Extent of Disease and SEER Summary Stage.

Not all of the changes will be implemented for 2018 cases but the horizon is full of change for cancer registrars.  

Registry Partners would like to Congratulate our Visa Gift Cards Winners: Melanie Zaleski (left) and Taryn Tarbett (right).