National Cancer Database Help


Marketing Manager

Just like you, we are all busy reviewing and clearing the NCDB edits in anticipation for the Call for Data.

This process can be overwhelming for some programs, especially if the Cancer Registrars have never dealt with the volume of reviews or the electronic steps you must follow. Registry Partners Incorporated is familiar with being contracted to assist programs with the submission. It is a great opportunity to evaluate the integrity of the data and provide some recommendations for future abstraction.  As anyone knows who has had this responsibility, this is TIME CONSUMING and requires uninterrupted concentration. If you are working remotely or onsite, consider putting a sign on the door that reads NCDB EDITS – STAY OUT!!!

Keep in mind…

• Compare your yearly numbers upon submission to help identify any discrepancies with your data prior to them being found at the time of your next survey. Have your numbers increased, decreased, and inclusive?

• Minimize your workload and ensure the data passes your software edits first to “pre-edit” and maintain data quality. That is something you could do early and help ease the stress of submissions.

Please let us know if you have trouble clearing an edit, we are available to answer questions through our Question Submission Form (found in the right-hand menu bar).  Remember, no protected health information should be shared. A little help might go a long way in controlling your frustrations this month!

If you haven’t begun the NCDB process, our recommendation is to begin in December if at all possible!

Please refer to the following link for the Edits and instructions for submission. Another helpful tool can be found at