Milestone Monday – Cindy Erangey – 5 Year Anniversary


Marketing Manager

Cindy Erangey, Accreditation Services Director for Registry Partners, celebrated her 5-Year Anniversary on October 27, 2019.  

As Cindy reflects on the last five years she stated “It amazes me how much I have learned and grown in the Cancer Registry profession.”

Cindy believes reaching this milestone has been possible because “Registry Partners is a great company to work for as they encourage every employee’s growth within the company. Their commitment to help each employee succeed has been a great motivator in staying employed with Registry Partners.”

Cindy believes others should consider a career with Registry Partners because “Working as a cancer registry consultant, you are valued for your knowledge in all aspects of registry operations and accreditation activity. Working with Registry Partners and the support offered by our team helps you strive for success with each program you encounter. Registry Partners supports a healthy work/life balance which is refreshing in today’s workforce.”

Congratulations Cindy on reaching your 5 year anniversary!  Thank you for all that you do … we appreciate you!