A Cardiac Registry Support Services Case Study


Registry Partners provides services to cardiac registry clients throughout the United States that vary greatly in size and scope, but all face similar challenges when it comes to registry management: 

  1. Staffing pressures
  2. Continually revolving and looming  deadlines with tight turnaround times
  3. Reallocating and/or lacking resources for quality initiatives

When a hospital is under pressure to manage their registries by abstracting data accurately,
consistently, and in a timely manner, the challenges shared above can put cardiac accreditations, certifications, and rankings in jeopardy, along with the quality of patient care.

Registry Partners is a national provider of data abstraction, registry management, and consulting services serving clients in over 40 states through remote registry support, access to registry expertise, and a delivery model that supports the highest quality of data collection.

  • Identify cardiac cases to be entered into a registry
  • Abstract clinical data from EMRs based on guidelines provided by ACC-NCDR, STS, Regional and State Registries
  • Complete data submission
  • Assist with patient follow up
  • IRR/validation of client’s current abstractions
  • Identify opportunities for improvement and assist with QI projects
  • Relay information as it relates to outcome metrics, MIPS & Bundled Payment initiatives
  • Assist with obtaining industry certifications and accreditations including all ACC endorsed certifications

Registry Partners provides consistent, quality cardiac registry abstraction and management support — deadlines are met, data is accurate, and we are available for any additional data needs. Because of our partnership, our clients are able to dedicate more of their time to improving patient outcomes and internal processes.


“Registry Partners, as the name implies, is a true partner to our clients. Each client is assigned a dedicated team for their project, and that team takes time to get to know the client and customize our services to meet their individual needs… We identify opportunities for improvement and offer real world solutions to enhance patient care and improve outcome metrics… We genuinely care for our clients and strive for excellence in every service we provide”

RN, Sr. Project Manager, Registry Partners

We customize our services to meet each hospital’s particular needs, and we can scale our services should a client need a little more (or less) help. Some of the specific ways we’re able to support our cardiac registry clients include:

  • At the beginning of every client engagement, we create a roadmap of project parameters based on the hospital’s unique needs and specifications, ensuring their data is abstracted in the same format for every case. These parameters serve as our guide to ensure quality and consistency in registry management.
  • We ensure data quality with routine validation/inter-rater reliability of 5 – 10% of cases.
  • We bring expertise and experience to complex cardiac registry management. Each member of the Registry Partners cardiac team has experience and training in their respective registries. We provide ongoing education to maintain current skills and knowledge for each cardiac registry
  • We provide a contingency plan. When the hospital reallocates staff or experiences turnover, Registry Partners is there to provide continuity in maintaining the cardiac registries. We can supplement a hospital’s cardiac team’s efforts or registry management can be outsourced entirely to us.
  • We help hospitals leverage their data so they can implement quality initiatives, including advising on trends noted with physicians or patient care.  Because we work with cardiac registry clients all over the country, we can identify and share relevant industry trends that can improve quality of care and internal processes.

National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR®)

  • AFib Ablation Registry™
  • CathPCI Registry®
  • Chest Pain – MI Registry™
  • EP Device Implant Registry™
  • IMPACT Registry®
  • LAAO Registry™
  • STS/ACC TVT Registry™

Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)

  • STS Adult Cardiac Surgery
  • STS General Thoracic Surgery
  • STS Congenital Heart Surgery

Assistance with any state-sponsored registries, such as CCORP, SETRAC, NYS CSRS/PCIRS

Registry Partners - main logo

Registry Partners is a national provider of data abstraction, registry management, and consulting services. We serve clients in over 40 states through remote registry support, access to registry expertise, and a delivery model that supports the highest quality of data collection.

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