With both Thanksgiving and Christmas quickly approaching, this holiday season will be one that is probably pretty different from your traditional get-togethers. Cases from the pandemic are continuing to rise across the country and you may be rethinking your holiday plans. Below are some tips and ideas for things to keep in mind during this time.
- Travel: Airports, rest stops, gas stations, and others are all places where you can be exposed. Wear a mask when in a public setting.
- Location: Indoor locations pose more risk than outdoor locations. If indoors, consider opening windows.
- Size: Consider how many people are planning to attend and their possible exposure prior to the get-together (i.e. family members who are health care or essential workers, children attending in-person learning, family members who have recently traveled in the U.S. or abroad). Consider getting together in a smaller group or using video conferencing to connect groups of people across the miles
- Consider having a smaller, intimate dinner with just your household
- Prepare dishes and deliver them to friends and family and leave the items in a way that doesn’t involve contact
- Host a virtual dinner with your friends and family
- Shop online rather than in person
From all of us at Registry Partners, we would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season and to stay safe out there.