The Cancer Registrars of Illinois held their annual meeting at AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center in LaGrange, Illinois on September 6-7th.
As expected, the main topic of conversation surrounded the 2018 cancer registry changes and new manuals. The Cancer Registrars of Illinois prepared an excellent meeting covering a variety of topics with a focus on the 2018 changes.
Highlights from the first day of the conference included several presentations by Jennifer Ruhl from SEER, which covered 2018 SEER Summary Staging, 2018 Heme/Lymph MPH Rules, and the new 2018 SSDIs.
On the second day, several physicians from AMITA Health presented excellent information on immunotherapy, breast cancer and head & neck cancers. The conference concluded with a presentation by Jim Hofferkamp from NAACCR covering TNM Staging.
Overall, the Cancer Registrars of Illinois had an excellent and well-rounded conference, which highlighted topics and updates all CTRs are currently seeking in this era of change. NCRA awarded 11 continuing education credits for the conference, including 7 hours meeting the Category A requirement.
A special congratulations to the winner of the Registry Partners Visa Gift Card Raffle, Oliva Vazquez from Rush University Medical Center (pictured below).