Donna Jenkins, CTR, Project Director for our Oncology Services Division, celebrated her 15-Year Anniversary with Registry Partners on November 14, 2018.
Fifteen years is a grand accomplishment that Donna is very proud of. Looking back to when she first started at Registry Partners, she commented: “When I came to Registry Partners 15 years ago, I never dreamed it would last this long. What I needed was a flexible schedule and remote work to help care for my ailing mother. The commitment to ensuring each employee is valuable comes from the very top and I am grateful every day for being able to be a part of that.”
When asked what this milestone means to her, Donna replied “Reaching 15 years of employment with Registry Partners has been a surprise; the time has flown by – as the saying goes “time flies when you’re having fun!”, I am grateful to continue to be part of a company that values and appreciates each individual.”
Donna named several reasons why she has been able to accomplish fifteen years of longevity with Registry Partners, stating “Having a management team with vision to recognize where I can do the most good, giving a gentle push when needed and having available every tool to succeed. Additionally,being able to set my own schedule to allow for professional and personal time means the world to me and I would not be able to have that without Registry Partners”.
In Donna’s opinion, “Registry Partners is a top quality company that puts employees first. Flexibility, benefits and expert training are foremost. Career advancement is encouraged and there are experienced team members to always help you along. Working independently and remotely while never feeling alone is the most rewarding.” These are all reasons Donna believes others should consider working with Registry Partners.
Congratulations Donna on reaching your 15 year Anniversary! Thank you for all that you do…we appreciate you!