What makes our Mentoring Program unique are the Quality Consultants who provide a solid foundation for their mentees to learn, grow within their skills and become confident CTRs. Not only are our Consultants subject matter experts but they are fun, humble and kind people who make an outstanding Team.
But WHO are they? AND Why do THEY love mentoring?

Introducing Heather Donohue!
Heather currently coordinates and oversees Registry Partner’s Internship Program. Heather has experience in both State Central Registry and Hospital Based Registries bringing a wealth of knowledge to our interns. Heather has the ability to break down coding concepts to the basics and enjoys getting to know the interns’ learning styles so she can tailor their learning experience in becoming successful CTRs. Heather is an incredibly gifted teacher!

Introducing Patricia Fordham!
Patricia mentors CTR candidates and newly certified CTRs. She has 23 years of experience in Cancer Registry! Patricia is a natural at interpreting and clearly explaining the coding rules. She loves working with mentees who are eager to learn and find a career within Cancer Registry. Patricia’s kindhearted demeanor puts her mentees at ease.

Introducing Lauren Vincent!
Lauren started her career with Registry Partners in 2018 as a Project CTR. She was promoted to Quality Manager and then to her current role as Quality Consultant. Lauren enjoys sharing her knowledge and providing support and encouragement to her mentees. Lauren is incredibly sharp with the coding rules and her energetic personality is contagious!

Introducing Melissa Chapman!
Melissa began her career as a coder and HIM Specialist as well as a CTR. She has worked with Registry Partners since 2017. In her current role as a Quality Consultant, Melissa creates and presents monthly coding presentations for a State Central Registry. Melissa excels in her ability to lead and grasp change and she loves to share her knowledge and experience with a vast group of people. Melissa graciously accepts any challenge and dives into learning new areas both professionally and personally!

Introducing Monica Reece!
You may recognize her name and face as she is a frequent presenter for our monthly CTR Coding Breaks. Monica has worked for Registry Partners in various roles since 2013. In her current role as Quality Consultant, Monica loves sharing her knowledge and encouragement in helping her mentees learn the Cancer Registry field. She also contributes to the online content material for the Center for Cancer Registry Education. Monica has a calm and patient demeanor and excels at navigating new mentees through our mentoring program!

Introducing Janet Raleigh!
Janet has worked with Registry Partners since 2008 with experience in both Quality and Project management. In her current Consultant role, Janet loves the ability to assist and lead others in their educational journey. Her upbeat and inquisitive personality shines through as she shares her ideas and creates tools to benefit the quality and mentoring programs!