Karen Wade, RN, CPN – I started with Registry Partners in 2016 as a part time Virtual PICU Systems (VPS) pediatric clinical data abstractor in order to earn extra income.
I have been a pediatric/pediatric critical care nurse for 30 years and decided to leave patient care after experiencing burnout.
In early 2015 I accepted a position in my hospital’s Quality Management department. It was there that I had the responsibility of learning and maintaining the VPS database under the direction of my site coordinator. I was then offered a full time position with Registry Partners in November 2016 which I accepted and have been working full time since.
The flexibility of this position has been and continues to be wonderful. I truly appreciate that your hours are guaranteed and that you have opportunities for future growth within the company. The team that I work with is so helpful, supportive and grateful.
Being on a different side to improving patient outcomes is new for me but I am so glad that I took a chance and I have never looked back with any regrets.