The Registry Partners Quality Team is very excited to announce the new series of educational videos called: “CTR Coding Break”. The CTR Coding Breaks will be a 5-10 minute presentation that is published monthly on “hot topics” within the industry to help CTRs interpret, understand, and apply the coding rules.
Our first video for the September CTR Coding Break focuses on one of the new Breast SSDIs – Breast Allred Score. The presentation reviews the purpose and application of the Allred system. The presenter will walk through the components required and how to calculate the Allred Score through case examples using the Allred Score for ER/PR evaluation table. The Allred Score for ER/PR Evaluation Table includes Proportion Score, Positive Cells Percentage, Intensity, and Intensity Score. The coding break concludes with updated instructions for Breast Site Specific Data Items (SSDIs) – ER, PR, HER2 (IHC, ISH, Overall) summary sourced from the Cancer Forum. Please note, at the time the presentation was completed the SSDI manual was “scheduled” to be updated in the Fall 2019 update. The SSDI manual has since been updated to Version 1.7. Please reference the SSDI manual Version 1.7 Breast chapter for the updated instructions for ER, PR, and HER2 summary.
Note: At the time the presentation was completed the SSDI manual was “scheduled” to be updated in the Fall 2019 update. The SSDI manual has since been updated. Please reference the SSDI manual Version 1.7 Breast chapter for the updated instructions for ER, PR, HER2 summary.
Click here to download this month’s CTR Coding Break as a PDF.