Often when a patient is surgically treated for thyroid malignancy, multiple surgical procedures might be recommended and performed depending on the severity of the malignancy. Per STORE manual 2022 page 55 “when multiple first course procedures coded under the same item are performed for a primary, the most extensive or definitive is the last performed, and the code represents the cumulative effect of the separate procedures”.
In the August CTR Coding Break, we will review the more common surgical procedures and the surgical codes assigned as listed in STORE appendix A for Thyroid. We will work through a case scenario and how to code the surgical procedures when the cancer registry software allows coding multiple procedures vs the cancer registry software only allowing one procedure.
Click here if you would like to download this month’s presentation as a PDF. Also next month we are going LIVE for a special edition CTR Coding Break which is pending certification as a 1-hour CE credit through NCRA. Learn more and register for next month’s event today!