CTR Coding Break – Quality Control & Common Coding Errors


Marketing Manager

Every second of every day someone is told they have cancer. As a CTR it is our responsibility to enter and code within the abstract that patient’s diagnosis and treatment journey accurately and completely. As QC Managers we review multiple abstracts each week looking for accuracy and completeness. In the April CTR Coding Break recording, “Quality Control and Common Coding Errors” I will discuss and review with you some of the more common coding errors seen from the Quality Control side. Some of the more common QC errors discussed in today’s coding break are lymphovascular invasion coded as 9 when code 0 or 8 can be used, the use of cN0 for AJCC pathologic staging of Melanoma in situ and Melanoma T1 skin malignancies, the use of pM to stage clinical and pathological stage group, coding clinical WHO grade for Brain and Spinal Cord tumors based on Table 72.2 within AJCC 8th edition manual, chapter 72 and Colon SSDI Circumferential Resection Margin (CRM). 

To download this month’s Coding Break as a PDF click here. 

Join us again in May for another LIVE CTR Coding Break, visit our Events page to register for this 15-minute event today.