The July 2022 CTR Coding Break titled Hematopoietic Transformations discusses why hematopoietic transformations occur, the difference between transformations to and transformations from, the multiple primary rules in the Hematopoietic Manual as well as walks through three case examples.
Hematopoietic cancers are malignancies of immune system cells. Chronic neoplasms transform to acute/more severe neoplasms and are the most common form of transformation. Neoplasms may be diagnosed in an acute phase and transform to a less aggressive chronic phase after treatment. The sections titled “Transformations To” and “Transformations From” are helpful in the Hematopoietic database if applicable for the neoplasm. The inclusion of the terms chronic and acute do not mean the neoplasm may transform; the terms may refer to the indolent or aggressive nature of the neoplasm however if the “Transformations To” and “Transformations From” sections are available, then the Heme Multiple Primary Rules likely apply. Rules M8 through M14 discuss heme transformations in the Multiple Primary section of the Hematopoietic Manual.
Thank you to everyone who joined us live for this event and keep an eye out on our Events page for the next CTR Coding Break LIVE in September. Click here if you would like to download this month’s presentation as a PDF.