In this month’s CTR Coding Break we will discuss the Usual Occupation and Industry fields. We will review the importance of collecting this information, go over the definition of each field along with some examples, take a short quiz, and finally, we will go over a few common errors.
Because this information is collected by cancer prevention programs and researchers it can be helpful in many ways. Therefore, it is important to be as detailed and precise as possible when adding your text to these fields. Proper coding of these fields can help show how a person’s job is related to their health, by identifying potential work-related health hazards and illnesses. This information can also be used to help guide cancer prevention programs which could lead to early detection or prevention of some work-related cancers.
Collecting information for these fields can be a little tricky at times for registrars, so hopefully, after this coding break, you will feel more confident when you code these fields.
Click here If you would like to download this presentation as a PDF. Also next month we are going LIVE for a special edition CTR Coding Break which is certified as a 1-hour CE credit through NCRA. Learn more and register for next month’s event today!