Cancer Registry Halloween Horror Stories!


Marketing Manager








  • Computer Crash, it became a graveyard smash
  • Ultimate GPS (Ghost Providing Service) failure on the way to a new client
  • Registrar says she was abstracting cases and they all did a disappearing act
  • You take a tumble on your way to work in the pouring rain and enter Cancer Committee looking like the Bride of Frankenstein
  • Traveling out-of-town for work and become “batty” in a blizzard trap
  • Working in a lengthy WORD document (Cancer Committee minutes) when your computer crashes and you had not saved the document yet is a trick and not a treat
  • Haunted house search…looking for the sub-committee meeting room and finding out nobody told you it was actually off-site
  • Spilling a cup of witches brew in your desk drawer
  • Howling when you thought your phone was on mute
  • You are waiting in the lobby for the surveyor and you see a black cat cross in front of him in the parking lot
  • You are on a conference call and cannot stop coffin
  • When you cannot locate your to do list because your brain is filled with cob webs
  • The gruesome horror or completing your creepy cursed Survey Application Record (SAR)
  • Your mummy told you there would be days like this
  • The frightful horror of this list is dead, see you next year Zombies!


Are you experiencing your own Cancer Registry horror story?  Give us a call today and let us help scare away the ghouls!

Happy Halloween from Registry Partners!!!