Have you ever had to register a friend in your cancer registry?

One of my volunteers called and said, “You are going to have to register me.  I have cancer”. For someone who works with data and electronic charts all day, coming face to face with a real patient caused me to be both speechless and sad.   There are many cancer program consultants who have been diagnosed with cancer and many personally know patients within their registry but…

Posted on Jan. 27, 2015 in From Our Perspective

How can I best prepare for my Commission on Cancer Survey?

Registry Partners Consultants play an important role in survey preparation with many clients throughout the year.  Our clients often ask questions like: “What will the survey day be like?” “What do you know about the surveyor?” “Will he be tough like the JCAHO?” Our Consultants have the great opportunity to explain to our clients that surveys are not meant to be stressful.  They are an opportunity…

Posted on Jan. 22, 2015 in From Our Perspective

Send us your Questions!

Our QC team loves a challenge!   We receive  questions from our own CTRs, our clients, and often colleagues regarding coding challenges.   Fortunately for our teams, we have each other and a QC manager assigned to each project.   The QC managers have years of experience and the personality to continue to research until they find an answer!   Our quarterly QC newsletter provides our most recent tips, but…

Posted on Jan. 19, 2015 in How Should I Code This?

Is your Pathology Report compliant with CAP guidelines?

Often times, the cancer committee members are uncertain if their pathology reports are meeting Standard 2.1.  The College of American Pathologists (CAP)protocols must be followed to report the required data elements in 90% of the eligible cancer pathology reports each year.  No one wants to be surprised to hear the CoC surveyor state he does not see the required data elements as mandated by CAP.  Below…

Posted on Jan. 13, 2015 in From Our Perspective