Many of us know what it feels like when we ignore our well-being. Our body or mind eventually forces us to shut down. Have you been skipping the water intake to get through a workout and you get injured? Or have you been working overtime without the rest your body needs and you lash out at someone close to you.? When you are not taking diligent…
CTR Coding Break – Priority Order
This month’s CTR Coding Break topic is “Can you determine the priority order?” Some of the fields we assign have a priority order to use when there is conflicting information, and it can be challenging to know where to look for help. The objectives of this presentation are to identify some of the fields that contain a priority order and know where to look when you…
CTR Coding Break – AJCC M Coding
In the Registry Partners November CTR Coding Break, we will review different AJCC M topics such as M category assignment, clinical M components, and pathological M components. Criteria for the M category include the absence of cancer (M0) and involvement of sites/or organs outside of the local tumor area (M1). Negative physical exam is the minimum criteria to qualify for cM0. pM1 can be coded in…
CTR Coding Break – Malignant Cranial & Peripheral Nerve Tumors
The October 2022 CTR Coding Break titled Malignant Cranial & Peripheral Nerve Tumors reviews anatomy of the twelve cranial nerves and peripheral nerve system, Table 4 in the Solid Tumor Rules Malignant CNS and Peripheral Nerves chapter, as well as discusses a couple case examples. Cranial Nerves come straight out of the brain and when those cranial nerves exit the cranium, they become peripheral nerves. Cranial nerves…